• P: 1300 790 110 | E: service@redwoodadvisory.com.au


To provide our clients with a premium service, Redwood Advisory has proudly introduced DocuSign for our clients to: view, sign and return documents; in an easy, secure and efficient way!

What is DocuSign?

DocuSign is an e-signature service provider that allows its customers to view and sign their documents anywhere, anytime either on their laptops or smartphones. The technology behind this online platform is called Digital Transaction Management (DTM), which is a new category of cloud services designed to digitally manage document-based transactions.

Why does Redwood choose DocuSign?


  • Safe and Secure


Comprehensive and fully audited policies have been adopted by DocuSign to provide a secure, confidential and enforceable environment for its user that only the signer’s identity can be authenticated. You don’t need to take the risk of losing your envelopes or parcels any more.


  • High Efficiency


There is no more need for you to download, print, sign, scan and upload your financial statements or annual tax returns anymore. You can simply open the link through your email and only a few more clicks are required! Furthermore, your digital-based documents will be stored in the cloud drive and are accessible to you whenever you need them.

How to use DocuSign?

The email from DocuSign will be delivered to you as the primary email contact and will be received by each member of the Fund. Each email will need to be opened and signed by the relevant member.

Please note that the second member will only receive the email from DocuSign after the first member have clicked FINISH button. After the second member have clicked FINISH button, the signed documents will be sent to Redwood.


10 Step Process:

  1. In the email that has been sent to you, click the REVIEW DOCUMENT button.
  2. Click the yellow tag on the left to confirm your agreement to use Electronic Records and Signatures. Once clicked, the Continue button on the right will appear. Click Continue and it will bring you to the first page of your financial statements.
  3. You will be able to review each page of your financials by scrolling down. However, you can skip straight through to the required signing pages by clicking on the NEXT button on the left hand side of your financials.
  4. Click the SIGN button in the next to the required signature pages. A pop up window will appear, which will then allow you to select from a range of signing styles and create your own digital signature.
  5. By Clicking ADOPT AND SIGN, it will complete the signature required.
  6. By clicking on the SIGN button, it will complete the signature for you and bring you to the next  signature required!
  7. Click FINISH on the right-top corner after all required has been signed.
  8. Click SIGN UP if this is the first time you use DocuSign or LOG IN if you have registered before. By following the sign up process, your signatures will be stored for future financials and you will be able to access your financials at any time!
  9. Click DOCUMENTS to view your signed documents or if you wish to download your statements click the download symbol on the right-top corner
  10. All done! Your documents will automatically be sent to Redwood.


Disclaimer – The content has been prepared by Redwood Wealth Pty Ltd & Redwood Advisory Pty Ltd without taking account of the objectives, financial situation or needs of a particular individual and does not constitute financial product advice. This article should not be considered personal financial advice as it is intended to provide factual information only. 
Ivan Filipovic is an authorised representative of First Mutual (AFSL 423710). Redwood Wealth is a Corporate Authorised Representative of First Mutual (1244359)



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Ivan Filipovic

Ivan Filipovic is an experienced, independent Property, SMSF and Finance Expert and the founder of Redwood Advisory. Ivan has been educating and coaching investors for over 15 years and has built a successful property portfolio with a number of positive geared properties across Australia.  Ivan provides valuable and honest guidance by educating Australians on how to invest successfully protect yourself with knowledge, contact Ivan today for a complimentary consultation on 1300 790 110 or email ivan@redwoodadvisory.com.au

All stories by: Ivan Filipovic

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