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SMSF Related Party Loans

SMSFs have enjoyed the ability to borrow to buy residential and commercial property since 2007. Its been an extremely popular strategy for mum and dad investors and “millennials” looking to increase their exposure to property with the booming property market in major capital cities. However, due to the Royal Commission and possible change of Federal…

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Can I use my super to buy a farm

SMSF are beneficial for so many reasons including control, choice, flexibility and a concessional tax rate. There are many strategies available to SMSFs including buying residential and commercial property. However a lesser known strategy is that a SMSF can buy a farm and lease it back to your business. The “farm” strategy is much like…

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When can I access my super?

You have worked your bottom off for your adult life, hopefully built an awesome retirement nest egg and now wandering if its time to retire an drawdown on your Super. Unfortunately, the government has mandated when you can access your Super. Soits not as simple as just withdrawing from your SMSF, you must meet the…

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The “ins and outs” of SMSF Insurance

Many Australis donot pay attention to their insurance and hold the minimum super as provided by their employer sponsored funds. This can include automatic acceptance of options with no assessment of the personal situation of the individual and may or may not include life and TPD and income protection insurance. Many donot even know whether…

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Beginner’s guide to setting up a self-managed super fund

Self Managed Superannuation Funds (“SMSF”) has become the vehicle of choice in recent years particularly for “mum and dad” investors who are using their SMSF to buy direct real estate. Further, due to the increasing amount of knowledge of investors and lower costs to set up and run an SMSF and the continued frustration with…

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Tips and Traps of SMSF Property Development

As a property focused accountant, one of the most common questions I receive is whether you can engage in property development using a Self Managed Superannuation Fund (“SMSF”)  – the answer is yes you can! However you need to tread carefully to comply with Superannuation Law. Many of our clients have great experience with property…

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Super reform is here….

The Senate has passed the key Bill that will give effect to the debated super reforms which will have a key impact on SMSF’s. What does this mean for your SMSF? The proposed changes from the 2016 Federal Budget have been watered down, however, Treasurer Mr Scott Morrison has stated the changes are the most…

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taking a smsf loan? We have a smsf checklist to help you

30 JUNE 2016 Year End SMSF Strategy Checklist

The end of the financial year is fast approaching us, so now is the time to think about key strategies for your SMSF before 30 June 2016. There is still time! Self managed superannuation funds (“SMSF’s) are about strategy. There are many SMSF strategies available which can be utilised to boost your retirement savings as…

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PAYG is a system for making regular payments towards your expected annual income tax liability for your SMSF and is applied after your first annual return is lodged. Your payments during the year are based on the previous year’s tax payable, and any amount paid is credited against the next years tax payable. PAYG are…

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Buying a Property and establishing a Self Managed Superannuation Fund (“SMSF”) require a clear strategy to determine if a SMSF and property is right for you. Off the plan apartments can be attractive to many investors, however there is more to consider than the glossy brochure. Deciding on the right criteria for an SMSF investment…

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